Frequently asked questions

Visit our pricing page for questions related to our yearly subscription plans.

RepoApp is 100% web-based. No download is required, and RepoApp is compatible with modern web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE9+).

RepoApp is not available for local or internal hosting.

By default, yearly plans permit up to 20 user accounts. Contact us if you need additional users.


Just to name a few, appear organized in front of your customers. Save time managing lost & found items. Track history of changes and log customer claims. Learn about other features and benefits.


No. You'll get new features that are part of your subscription plan.

English only.


Hundreds of users from multiple industries use RepoApp. Industries include Hospitality (hotels, motels, restaurants, cafes, etc), Transportation, Recreational, Education, and Facility Management to name a few.


Unfortunately, no. An account is limited to managing lost & found items at a single location (building, complex or campus). Each additional location requires a separate account.

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